Friday, September 28, 2012

What happens when an artist can't sleep?

Well for this artist, fanart! Since I've always been a HUGE fan of Disney's the Lion King... It was time for a little Simba & Nala fan-love :)

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

School Zone & Digital Painting

I haven't made a lot of posts, because I've been working full time at School Zone Publishing. We've been pushing out a lot of Apps, I've worked on Design, and graphics processing for many of the apps including our Start to Read apps
And most of the apps listed here, we've also worked on some for iPad, some are educational games, some are just fun. But I've tried to get back to my art too. So I'm working on redrawing (or in this case painting) a piece I made in 2007 based on my niece. Here's the WIP
Well... So ends a nice, short, sweet blogpost that is poorly written by a NyQuil-influenced artist at 9:30pm which feels a lot later tonight than it really is :)

Sunday, March 25, 2012

URI and Random Doodle

So amid an upper respiratory infection, I made a Mickey Mouse drawing! Because I realized I hadn't done a good picture showing my love for one of my favorite characters! So here he is, in all his rodent glory...

Mickey Mouse!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Pink Kitty - An Experiment with Texture and Color

Meet Pink Kitty (it's such an original name, I know, I am certain all who see it will bask in my brilliance and originality), Pink Kitty is an experiment in texture and color, a blend of purples, pinks, and the use of overlaying a single texture at different angles for different effects, I rather liked the overall look.

Busy Busy Busy

Well life after college is certainly busy! I've got a full-time job at the amazing company Schoolzone where I work on children's interactive games and occasionally some eBooks. The job is amazing, with just enough to keep me busy while I'm there, but not enough to be overwhelming-scrambling-never-going-to-make-it-heart-attack work, which is just the way I like it! Besides. They have a dog! At work. Charlie is the company mascot kind of ;) He's a sweetheart golden retriever who likes to make his rounds to get pet by the employees. He's really a ham!

On the Powerpets side I've also been keeping busy, at first it was quite a challenge keeping up with my full time job, plus Powerpets but I'm starting to adjust. I'm no longer coming home feeling like I just want to go to sleep so that's definitely a plus!

Just last month I redesigned the minis to be cute/chibi/wee minis. (Minis are little creatures you can collect on Powerpets). I did more then 1 a day last month for a grand total of 33 minis!
(Click the image to see them larger)

The most challenging part was making each of the dinosaur/reptilian minis look different, I was constantly looking up new photos of reptiles to try and identify what made them unique. I think the rat is my favorite.

While I try to refocus on my blog, I'll be attempting weekly posts, and maybe include some updates on my writing.